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Paula Gabriela Marty Hernández


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Intereses, actividades e información adicional sobre Paula Gabriela Marty Hernández

Sobre mí

Paula Marty es Licenciada en Comercio Internacional con maestría en Educación basada en Competencias. Su carrera profesional incluye el haber trabajado para empresas del sector empresarial privado e instituciones educativas de alto nivel. Ha laborado en áreas como mercadotecnia, planeación estratégica y negociaciones internacionales en compañías como Cervecería Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma, ahora Heineken y FEMSA, entre otras. Durante los últimos 12 años ha trabajado en proyectos de investigación de mercados para pequeñas empresas en México. Fungió como Directora Académica del Prograka Multicultural de su Campus. Actualmente es maestra en el departamento de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, coordinando diveras y proyectos relacionados con dicha área académica en la que también imparte clases. También es co-propietaria de un negocio de carnes frías artesanales.


Paula Marty has a degree in International Commerce and is soon to be certified in Competencies Building in the Education field. Her professional career includes having worked in the private sector and in education. She has worked in business areas such as marketing, strategic planning and international negotiations in companies such Cervecería Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma, now Heineken, and FEMSA, among others. During the last twelve years she has also been a market research consultant for medium and small startups in Monterrey, Mexico. For the last five years she has been Director of the Multicultural Academic Program in PrepaTec Eugenio Garza Lagüera and has been a teacher in the Social Sciences and Humanities department for ten years. During her career at PrepaTec, she has participated in the design, implementation and coordination of academic courses and educational initiatives. She now teaches, coordinates and aids in the academic design of subjects related to the Humanities and Social Studies academic department. She is also owner of a small business dedicated to produce preservative-free meat products through an artisanal delicate process.

Actividad, proyectos y publicaciones

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